Got braces? Here are some great soft foods ideas and recipes you should try!

People with brand new braces are always full of questions. One of the most common questions we hear at the office is “What can I eat with braces on?”

This is a good question to ask. Certain foods can be hard on your braces. A craving for corn on the cob can quickly cost you a trip back to Vaughan Orthodontics for repairs, or it might just give you a sore mouth and a tough cleaning job to do. Either one is a bad Saturday afternoon, so knowing what you should and should not eat is important.

Soft Foods – Less Sugar

Eating with braces is a lot like eating without braces. You want a balanced diet, with a healthy amount of vegetables and fruit. You also need your protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. You need vitamins and minerals from A to Zinc (especially when you feel like H), and you want to avoid junk food as much as possible.
When you wear Richmond Hill braces, you want the same things – only softer. Tough foods can be uncomfortable for new braces. So how do we get the best of both worlds?

Steam Cook Your Vegetables

Carrots, broccoli and cauliflower are all healthy snacks with a crunch. That crunch can be tough on your braces, so try giving them a little steam bath to soften up before eating them. Frying, and boiling will also soften them, but the general consensus is that steam keeps the flavor and nutrients locked in, making it the best option for cooking healthy greens.

The Slow Cooker Is Your Friend

When it comes to softening foods, there might be no better way to prepare a meal than by using a slow cooker. Choose your ingredients in the morning, place it on the required setting, and let it stew for the day. Typical stew meat can be quite tough and stringy, so try using the slow cooker with other foods like boneless chicken breast, or softer cuts of beef.

No Pain Grains

Grains are a big part of a balanced diet, but early morning toast will be a bit more uncomfortable to crunch on than it was before. It’s time to explore the alternatives.
If you’re craving some baked goods to start your morning, there’s nothing wrong with a warm croissant or a fresh muffin. Try to skip out on muffins with excessive sugary toppings (that’s a cupcake you’re holding).

Try Something Different

First week of Thornhill braces can be quite challenging so why not start of your day with a smoothie.
Strawberry, Mango, and Yogurt Smoothie

A fresh fruit smoothie is also a great source of natural fiber. Use banana as a base, and add in a mix of fresh berries. Scoop in some yogurt, and a spoonful of honey, and you’ve almost got a dessert!

If you’re looking for a little more inspiration, here are a few recipes for soft and delicious meals.
Roasted Tomato and Eggplant Soup

Of course if you choose Woodbridge Invisalign from your preferred Vaughan Invisalign provider you can avoid these issues all together!!

Orthodontics and Halloween....Spooky!

Fall can be a really enjoyable time of the year for you and your family. The kids are back in school, the leaves are changing, and Halloween approaches. This holiday is a lot of fun for kids, but Vaughan Orthodontics wants to remind you it can also be risky, especially for your child’s braces. If you have kids with braces, take a look at the following tips from the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) on how to keep your kids and their teeth safe this Halloween season.

Important Safety Tips

Trick-or-treating is a favourite Halloween activity for kids everywhere. While it is a great holiday tradition for children, it comes with some potential risks. To keep your kids safe while trick-or-treating, try following these simple guidelines:

  • If you have young children, make sure they are accompanied by an adult at all times. 
  • You or your kids should always carry flashlights. 
  • For costumes, try to include a light-colored or reflective element that can be easily seen by oncoming traffic. 
  • Avoid costumes that include a mask, especially for younger children. These can pose a safety hazard for both the wearers and the people around them. 
  • Tell your kids not to eat any of their candy until they arrive home. Be sure to inspect all treats carefully before letting them dig in. 

Following these guidelines can help you keep your kids safe on Halloween.

Halloween Treats to Avoid if Your Child Has Braces

If your kids have braces, you’ll want them to steer clear of certain treats on Halloween. Many candies can cause damage to braces, so it’s wise to avoid them while you’re celebrating this fun holiday. Here is a list of treats to stay away from:

  • Hard candies 
  • Chewy candies 
  • Nuts 
  • Caramel 
  • Licorice 
  • Jelly beans 
  • Taffy 
  • Bubblegum 
  • Hard pretzels 
  • Popcorn 

Some of these treats may seem harmless, but all of them have the potential to bend or break your child’s braces. So it’s best to avoid eating them altogether.

Braces-Friendly Halloween Treats

If your children have braces, they may feel like they can’t enjoy any treats on Halloween. However, there are plenty of braces-safe treat options for them to choose from, including the following:

  • Soft chocolate 
  • Peanut butter cups 
  • Gelatin treats 
  • Ice cream 
  • Smoothies 
  • Root beer floats 
  • Apple cider 

These are just a few braces-friendly alternatives to traditional Halloween candy. Helping your kids have a fun and safe Halloween—while at the same time protecting their braces—can be easy if you follow these simple tips and guidelines. 

Happy Halloween from Dr.Chen and the Vaughan Orthodontic team!

Cavities and Invisalign in Vaughan... How to Avoid Them!

One of the biggest concerns of patients with Invisalign is whether using aligners will increase the number of cavities during treatment.  The truth is that with proper care, many patients actually see an improvement in their oral hygiene, resulting in healthier, whiter teeth and strong gums.  

On the other hand, there are a select group of patients that may notice staining or develop cavities when they "cheat" and have food/drink without removing their aligners, or do not clean properly afterwards.

Your preferred Vaughan Invisalign Provider

Keep in mind that prior to all orthodontic treatment, a visit to the dentist is required to make sure there are no cavities.  Many patients who seek Thornhill Invisalign care have not been visiting a dentist regularly and begin treatment with cavities that preexist, only to discover them during treatment.  There may situations where teeth were overly rotated, whereby making it impossible to see the cavity before the tooth is aligned.

It is important to understand that normally, the teeth are exposed to a natural cleansing process with the saliva that bathes them.  With aligners on, there is less exposure to the saliva and actually an aligner that can trap undesired sugars against the teeth.  Simply brushing after a meal may not be good enough.  Proper and thorough brushing, flossing, and rinsing will be required.  The best way to think about it is that food may still be stuck between the teeth that cannot be reached by a brush and sometimes when you have a drink, your saliva is still coloured like that drink for several minutes after you've had it.

At Vaughan Orthodontics, we have a lot of patients spanning the teens through young professionals and adults that use Invisalign.  We emphasize proper care and provide them with everything they need to take care of their teeth in treatment.  It would be a shame to invest in straightening teeth without taking care of them to avoid cavities.  This is a consideration when looking at fixed Woodbridge braces or Invisalign.

Vaughan Invisalign - The Invisible Way to Straight Teeth


Many of the stars that light up the stage and screen have used clear removable aligners called “Invisalign” to straighten their teeth. Katherine Heigl, Justin Bieber and Gisele Bundchen all count their smiles to Invisalign!

Gisele Bundchen
Invisalign aligners are worn for 20-22 hours per day and each aligner moves teeth about 0.25 mm. Since the movement is so subtle, the amount of discomfort is minimal. The movements are prescribed by your Vaughan Invisalign specialist and the aligners are manufactured by Align Technology. These aligners are only removed when eating or brushing your teeth providing you with an alternative to unsightly metal braces. 

Unlike the traditional metal braces, you can eat relaxed without the worries of breaking brackets or wires. That means that you do not have any dietary restrictions. Cleaning your teeth also is less challenging since you can simply remove aligners to brush your teeth normally.
Justin Bieber

Another huge benefit is that with no wires there is also is no chance of poking cheeks or irritating lips. This usually leads to fewer visits to the orthodontist since emergency appointments are rare.

If you play contact sports, you can wear your aligners under a properly fitted mouthguard to protect your teeth from being injured during practices or games. 

Like these stars, many of you want to have straight beautiful teeth, but do not want to have the nickname “metal mouth”! Invisalign delivers results as good as traditional braces for most cases. The good news is that you do not have to be a “Hollywood Idol” to have Invisalign. The cost of Invisalign is about the same as metal braces and if you have orthodontic insurance, it will also cover Invisalign. Contact your Vaughan Invisalign Specialist to learn more about Invisalign!

The advantage of Vaughan Invisalign Teen with your Thornhill Orthodontist!


At an age when image is so important, the thought of having metal brackets and wires constantly attached to teeth may intensify the already-delicate confidence of today’s teens. But… not to worry! There is a clear alternative to traditional braces! Your Vaughan Orthodontist wants to remind you that Invisalign Teen gives you a whole new way to wear braces for a “clearly” amazing smile!


Much in the same fashion as Invisalign, but with a few added characteristics tailored specifically to teenagers’ lifestyles. For instance, Thornhill Invisalign Teen is designed with “compliance indicators” that fade from dark to light during the two week period that particular tray is used and once it has faded teens know to change trays. Each aligner comes with up to six free individual replacement aligners in case the original aligner ends up lost or broken. Another big benefit for the patient!

The treatment period for Richmond Hill Invisalign Teen varies from nine to 18 months. If your teen is considering orthodontic treatment, please contact your Vaughan Invisalign Specialist at 905-303-7788 and we’ll answer any questions you may have about Invisalign Teen.

“My son is turning 7 – when should we visit for a consultation?”

Great question! Even though most people think of pre-teens and teens when they think of orthodontics, there are good reasons your child should get an orthodontic evaluation much sooner. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a check-up with an orthodontic specialist no later than age 7.

Why Your Child Should Get An Orthodontic Check-up No Later Than Age 7:

  1. Orthodontists can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still present.
  2. While your child’s teeth may appear to be straight, there could be a problem that only an orthodontist can detect.
  3. The check-up may reveal that your child’s bite is fine. Or, your Thornhill orthodontist may identify a developing problem but recommend monitoring the child’s growth and development, and then, if indicated, begin treatment at the appropriate time for the child. In other cases, the orthodontist might find a problem that can benefit from early treatment.
  4. Early treatment may prevent more serious problems from developing and may make treatment at a later age shorter and less complicated.
  5. In some cases, your Richmond Hill orthodontist will be able to achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing.
  6. Early treatment may give your Woodbridge orthodontist the chance to: 
    • guide jaw growth
    • lower the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
    • correct harmful oral habits
    • improve appearance
    • guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
    • improve the way lips meet
  7. Through an early orthodontic evaluation, you’ll be giving your child the best opportunity for a healthy, beautiful smile.

Because patients differ in both physiological development and treatment needs, your Vaughan orthodontist’s goal is to provide each patient with the most appropriate treatment at the most appropriate time. Call 905-303-7788 to schedule your complimentary consultation today!

Your Maple Orthodontist and Vaughan Braces Specialist talks about Toothbrush History

Did you know?

People have been brushing their teeth for thousands of years! In fact, the first “toothbrush” was created around 3000BC! Ancient civilizations used a thin twig with a frayed edge to rub against their teeth for cleaning.

The first toothbrush with bristles – similar to today’s toothbrushes – was invented in 1498 in China. Brushes were made out of bone or bamboo with bristles made from the hairs on the back of a hog’s neck.

It was not until 1938 that the first nylon bristle toothbrush was introduced and people quickly became aware of practicing good oral hygiene.

Here are some other interesting facts about your toothbrush (and toothpaste):
  • Most people are said to use blue toothbrushes over any other color
  • The first toothpaste was used in 500 BC in China and India
  • On average, children smile about 400 times per day
  • Your toothbrush should be replaced every three months or as required
  • The first known toothpaste was used in 1780. Crest and Colgate were introduced to North America in 1955 and 1873, respectively.
Good oral hygiene practice is an extremely important part of your braces and Invisalign treatment with your Vaughan Orthodontist. We want to provide you with straight teeth and a beautiful smile free of cavities. As a part of your orthodontic care kit, we provide you with all the oral hygiene instruments you need to care for your braces and Invisalign. With continued practice and regular visits to your dentist, proper brushing will become part of your new, healthy lifestyle!

Please contact us at 905-303-7788 if you have any questions or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with your Thornhill Braces Specialist.